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i [eq | neq | nu | u]
Display inventory items.
Command Description
i Display a list of all available inventory items.
i eq Display a list of currently equipped items.
i neq Display a list of unequipped inventory items.
i nu Display a list of non-usable inventory items.
i u Display a list of usable inventory items.

i desc (<inventory item>)
<inventory item>
- an inventory item name, or a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
Display a description of the specified inventory item.


The i command is used to list all of the player's current inventory. i also accepts switches (listed below) to alter the display of the inventory as well.

i eq
The eq switch will alter i to only display equipped inventory items.
i neq
The neq switch will alter i to only display non-equipped inventory items.
i nu
The nu switch will alter i to only display non-usable inventory items.
i u
The u switch will alter i to only display usable inventory items.